All posts in "Uncategorized"

Homeschool or Traditional School?

By wpx_northern / November 15, 2017

For most Moms in the province where I live, this morning involved buses and back-packs, boxed lunches and good-byes – some tearful, some joyful. Facebook newsfeeds are full of pictures of kids in uniforms, mounting the bus, videos of Moms doing the “Freedom Dance!,” and statuses that breathe relief over the commencement of normal routines, […]


If It Hasn’t Been Said, Don’t Assume What Was Meant

By wpx_northern / November 15, 2017

If someone says, “We believe the Lord is calling us to homeschool for reasons x, y, and z,” it doesn’t mean they are saying, “Every Christian should homeschool and if you don’t, then you must not care about your kids as much as we do or be quite as righteous as we are.” If someone […]


The Hardest Thing About Homeschooling

By wpx_northern / November 15, 2017

When parents consider homeschooling for the first time, their biggest concern is usually academically related. How in the world am I going to be able to teach math when I barely survived Grade 9 Algebra? I hated chemistry; my child is going to hate it too if I try and teach it. I’m a poor […]


Embracing the Homeschool Advantage: A Living Education

By wpx_northern / November 15, 2017

When a child is first born, he enters the world with an amazing curiosity, given to him by his Creator, that enables him to learn what he needs to learn. He is curious about everything, even before he is able to express it. From the instant he is born, his brain has already begun to […]


Beyond “I’m Sorry”

By wpx_northern / November 15, 2017

Like it or not, there will be times in our lives when apologies are necessary to bring restoration to a relationship we have strained. The key to a clean slate goes far beyond “I’m sorry.” Even a child understands that a quick muttering of the phrase can spare the consequent discipline. Which of us hasn’t received (or […]


What To Get A Homeschooler for Christmas

By wpx_northern / November 15, 2017

{…or their birthday, or anniversary, or just because you really love them….} From a second-generation homeschooler who grew up reading several different homeschool magazines, there is only one I subscribe to; Home School Enrichment is hands down the best magazine for homeschoolers and my favorite piece of mail to receive. I get giddy when I see it lying in the mailbox […]


100 Books To Give For Christmas!

By wpx_northern / November 15, 2017

Harry S. Truman said, “Not all readers are leaders, but all leaders are readers.” In a world of Sheeple who are content follow where the culture leads, a good Christian book is our favorite gift to give. They’re relatively inexpensive, easy to wrap or mail, can be read again and again, and best of all, […]


Thinking Of Chucking College?

By wpx_northern / November 15, 2017

The implied rule that college is the key to success is being broken. More and more people are finding the courage to battle the ivory tower with story after story of evidence that proves success has little to do with a piece of paper and everything to do with good character, a hard work ethic, […]


The Rise Of Unschooling And What It May Mean For Homeschooling Freedom

By wpx_northern / November 15, 2017

There’s no denying that the face of homeschooling has evolved over the years. Four decades ago, Christian parents who were becoming increasingly concerned with the state of publicly funded education, risked losing their children by pulling them out of what was considered to be mandatory government schooling. Today, in North America, we currently enjoy unprecedented […]

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