How To Make Learning Fun When The Textbooks Are Boring

By wpx_northern / November 16, 2017

how to make learning fun

Many homeschool parents, myself included, often find themselves in a funk, comparing or mirroring their teaching style and their child’s learning habits to conventional methodology and cultural expectations. Most of usdon’t want our home schools to be schools at home, yet deviating from the course, skipping units, and substituting a manual’s directions with our own instinctive teaching style can seem somehow feel so risky!

There is no law that says our child must do every question in the book, or complete a lesson before they can get off their chair. If you abide by “it”, you will teach your children that learning is a monotonous, stifling routine – a bondage of sorts that can only be broken after thirteen years.

Here’s how to make learning fun when the textbooks are boring:

When you mix things up and change them around, foster out-of-the-ordinary learning experiences, experiment with different curriculum, make real life applications, and use unconventional methods to teach important life lessons, you will inspire in your children a love for learning. They will be able to self-educate and explore anything that piques their interest because you have taught them that most things in life can be learned informally.

Think back to your own education. What was the most memorable lesson you learned and where did you learn it? In your desk or cramming for an exam? Probably not. Perhaps it involved a field trip, a good book, a conversation, a dissection, a debate, an experiment, a project, a road trip – something out of the ordinary.

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