How To Teach History For FREE

By wpx_northern / November 16, 2017

History is one of the easiest subjects to teach for free. We live in an age where information is readily available and costs nothing. All you need to know is where to get it and how to deliver it in memorable way.

history for free

History textbooks are wonderful addition to any home school and well worth the price tag, but don’t believe for a minute that they are critical to a good education. Consider the following sources in which you can have  access to the same information.

The Library. There’s a saying that goes, “All you need to homeschool is love and a library card.” Libraries are a homeschooling goldmine where you can access virtually any book, video, or audio on any given subject. Here’s a great article from Simple Homeschool on how to make the most of this public resource.

The Internet. When used properly, the Internet can be very helpful for homeschoolers. Researching information online is quick, easy, and can save many trips to the library. The downfall is that the Internet contains plenty of misinformation and fictional articles which are misleading. Technology is not harmful in and of itself, but the misuse of it is. Take the time to find reliable resources for your children to ensure that the Internet works to your child’s advantage, not their detriment. Here are a few online history related resources which I’ve found to be reputable:

Read the rest at Free Homeschool Deals

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