The ABC’s For Godly Girls

By wpx_northern / November 16, 2017
Normally, I don’t buy eBooks. I prefer a paperback to a digital file any day, and since you can’t skim through an eBook before you buy it, I’m always skeptical of its content and value.
However, I had a leg up on The ABC’s for Godly Girls by Lindsey Stromberg. I’ve been reading her blog for a while and soon discovered that not only are our theological views quite similar, but she is a great writer and her content is biblically sound.
So I downloaded The ABC’s for Godly Girls to work through with our 4 year-old. I thought it might be a few pages; imagine my surprise when the printer spewed out an inch of material! All this for eight bucks? Score! 
This is an excellent Bible curriculum for young girls. It explores twenty-six different virtues (one for each letter of the alphabet)  from Scripture.

Each lesson includes a Bible story, a discussion guide, memory work, copy work, a flashcard, an activity, and a craft.

Also included are several games to reinforce the lessons in a fun way. These are the highlight for Charity, especially the paper dolls!
The ABC’s for Godly Girls is also extremely cost effective since it’s available as a digital download ($8.00 – $5.60 if you use the coupon code “Growing Home). I printed mine off and had it coil-bound at Staples. It stays organized, and is easy to flip through and tear off pages as needed.
Also available is The ABC’s for Godly Boys. Both versions are suggested for children ages 4-10.
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